Get Through These Challenging Times with Greater Calm & Peace

Master Class with Kate Brown


How to Increase Your Connection and Frequency During Prayer and Meditation with Essential Oils

Join Us for The Essential Oils Master Class on March 10th









Master Class with Kate Brown:

How to Increase Your Connection and Frequency in Your Prayer and Meditation Practices with Essential Oils

Improve Mindfulness

Mindfulness is "the nonjudgmental awareness of experiences in the moment." Enhance your practice as you reflect and connect with your relationship with God. 

Boost Your Immune System

Essential oils have the ability to increase our physical frequency which in turn, can improve our immune system. You'll learn which oils are best to use for these practices.

Heal Your Whole Being

Give yourself time to heal not just physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. A prayer and meditation practice coupled with essential oils, does just that.

Get Through These Challenging Times with Greater Calm & Peace

These days, many people are feeling lonely and unsupported and it doesn't have to be this way. Access the power of divine healing through prayer and meditation and enhance the benefits using essential oils.

Whether you're new to essential oils or want to experience even more of their benefits, this class is for you.

  • Counteract the emotional, mental and physical effects  COVID has had on all of us through a renewed practice of prayer and meditation, coupled with essential oils. 
  • Maybe it feels like your practice is a little stale and disconnected. Essential oils have the ability to help you feel plugged in and energized in your practice due to their ability to up your frequency.
  • Perhaps you don't really understand how to incorporate essential oils into your practice - you don't know how to use them, how much to use, what oils to use - this is the perfect opportunity for you to feel confident with the answer to these questions and more.

"Essential oils are like God in a Bottle." 

Wayne Dyer

Join us for the March 10th Master Class with Kate Brown

Learn how to use essential oils in your prayer and meditation practice to increase connection and frequency.

Register Here Now