$200.00 USD 4 monthly payments
Certified Aromatherapist - Level 1
This 100 hour program is designed for anyone with an interest in the uses and applications of essential oils in a safe and effective manner. This course will provide you with a clear and concise understanding of aromatherapy and a confidence in aromatherapy blending.
This 3 day on-site class explores healing tradition using essential oils from ancient cultures, Biblical scriptures and medieval healers. Basic chemistry, safety, the use's for 31 Oils and their contraindications are discussed. Students will be introduced to vibrational frequencies. Anatomy and physiology of the Integumentary, Musculoskeletal, Nervous and Endocrine systems. Blending by note is introduced and students learn to interview, assess and create a blend for specific purposes and then integrate it into a healing treatment through the use of heart centered energetic healing techniques. Legal, ethical, privacy and professional issues are discussed, as well, as how to develop a case study.
$800 All inclusive (students will need to purchase 3 'required reading' books)
Our Level 1 Aromatherapy Certification program meets and exceeds level one educational standards set forth by NAHA, National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy. This program also meets the NAHA requirement for Anatomy and Physiology, so an outside class is not needed. You may join NAHA as a Certified Aromatherapist: Level 1 after completing this course.